Name: Kuan Huai
Age: 14+
School: SJI
Favourite Singer: Stefanie Sun
Favourite Artiste: Jeanette Aw
Favourite Show: The Amazing Race


-A better year with 335 (heading nowhere)
-Get a 10 for my exam
-A1 for Elect Humans., E-Maths, Biology, Chinese
-Above 40 for Elect. Geography (working very hard to achieve this)
-Get Ou Xuan's autograph????? (impossible one)

Friday, March 25, 2005


Its been 1 week since the march camp was over, had so much fun there manzzz..... I can sae that forget everything in the past that was the most enjoyable and best time that I've ever experienced among the three years. The part of the camp which I remember the most was the sessionS of reflections during the camp, it made me know more about the others in my squad......

Y i name this post memories is firslty because of that, secondly was because yesterday Mr Low told us that the five of us who went for the Bizworld competition are going to go to receive a trophy on founder's day for don't know what lah (Mr Low said should be about some innovative thing lah, juz have to wait and see also not so sure bout the details)... this made me think bak to the past on how we form up this group of six ( zhi rong left for NJC already so he cannot take the prize HaHaz)... then we had to go through the bizworld competition where we had a whole day of fun in the end going home happy as the hard work we put in had results at last........

This was the best group I've ever worked with, everybody listens to each others idea and not try to insists on his own and take the best out of everyone's ideas, although there were some quarells but in the end we settled it peacefully.

And also the service learning project, FINALLY, it "officially" started as now everyone is doing some work besides the group leaders, trully i have to say this, after two over months in 335 i still feel or feel that most of the people are slackers. We'll just have to see whether the three of them will come up with the sale plan on monday and i kept stressing it was not a jumble sale, but they still think it is a jumble sale how?

Now forget about those memories for a moment, think the present. Homework, HW and more HW this long weekend have to engross myself in homework, especially english got the most work ahrrrr, imagine doing homework for the subject you hate the most, but you still have to do it because... it's your homework......

Another thing, heard i can't take full geog. as a private candidate in the O-levels even in other years(meaning not in 2006) as I am taking elect.- geog. , wah liao hate this mannzzzzz, at first i thought elect. geog was the human geography of full geog only but i learn is about national education and so they would not ask you the processes of things are occuring but actually how it affects the society, omg WHAT national education i rather learn about the world first more interesting, I hope the map reading topic is not the only same syllabus as full geog if not.......

Kuan Huai another day on the islands, 6:08 pm

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Another entry for the blog.....

Since my blog is soooooo dead in the past few days okay think shld update..... now supposed to be doing the brochure ms Lau give for TA1, wah lau she is the first teacher i know right to lose students work that easily leh....... in the morning i really didn't even wan to argue with her.............

By the way, Amazing Race starting tonight... reading the episode 1 recap it looks like most of the teams are having a few tricks up their sleeves to kick out Rob and Amber.... i must say they are stupid manzzzzz...... Survivor is an all new different game from the race, Survivor is mainly bout strategizing and the race of course lah, about RACING!

Season 8 is also going to be a nice one... teams which have family bonds...minimum age limit 8 !!!!! WOW! How i wish i can go and audition but its only for Americans only.....

Tense week this week, last week all the stupid crappy test for almost everyday except one, scary that i can pass 2, e-maths never expected to pass one leh..... social studies aiyah no need to sae one lah confirm can pass which i did......physics was very very very very (and i can go on saying that) hard (don't want to use the word difficult) and truly it was very very.....hard our class maybe the scholars and a small number of others pass only..... now tom. she giving out A-maths test this one surely no hope confirm fail one no need to think or consider........

Kuan Huai another day on the islands, 4:53 pm

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