Name: Kuan Huai
Age: 14+
School: SJI
Favourite Singer: Stefanie Sun
Favourite Artiste: Jeanette Aw
Favourite Show: The Amazing Race


-A better year with 335 (heading nowhere)
-Get a 10 for my exam
-A1 for Elect Humans., E-Maths, Biology, Chinese
-Above 40 for Elect. Geography (working very hard to achieve this)
-Get Ou Xuan's autograph????? (impossible one)

Saturday, April 30, 2005

It's approaching......

4 weeks in counting....... It's 4 weeks left to the camp and arhmmmm...... no money coming in.......OMG..... nvm... talk about ohter stuffff...... Yesterday, the sports day, yep definitely.... it was another boring day, nothing much to get excited about, ecept that there are common tests coming up, juz can't wait for them to be all over all over, then lots of things will come...... firstly The Amazing Race Season Finale!!!!!!! Watch for my prediction on who's the winner and who's out......... Yep and the camp it is approaching, then June hols......don't want to tok about it yet...... But firstly must survive through this week of common tests and pray for money coming in.... If you want to donate please send all cheques to us Service Learning Project Class 335 and address it to St. Joseph Institution. Now definitely getting stressed out, need to worry about the tests, especially Geog........... OMG......

Kuan Huai another day on the islands, 10:19 pm

Saturday, April 23, 2005

Stressed out !!!!

Common tests are round the corner...... I am worried that I can't achieve my target of at least 10...... My target definitely A1 for Chinese, Elect Humans., hopefully Bio. and E.Maths too cause now working very hard.... Then also have Service learning to worry about, until now our funds raised is still onlyin the triple digits and some more it is at the lower end!!!!! Honestly, it can be quite demoralizing and the camp is about a month and a week away, it's APPROACHING!!!!!!!! AHHHHHH!!!!! Oh yeah and still need to find someone to go up during assembly to announce that we are selling chocolates, I bet that will be one hell of a task, cause let me say this everyone an be quite da dan in our class but when it comes to this, they chicken out, cause i ask all those who are the most da dan in the class first, all NO!!!! Honestly, I feel that......

Nother thing on my mind.... how can Zhaozz say that he don want to go for the Bangkok trip now huh???? so wat if you have the Shanghai trip before and LLTC after, then me lah I got Service Learning Camp, then 2 days off, then Shanghai trip (so happy that the last day of the trip is my birthday), then 1 day off, then the bangkok trip, except that I don;t have LLTC, my schedule just about the same as Zhaozz wat???????

Anyway the most important thing I'm saying here is yi ge ren yao jiang xin yong, cannot like Zhaozzz like that, now cannot cancel leh, if not muzzzz pay, let me tell him that I'm not going to care about this if this goes on, i'm going to get nasty, really........ But I really hope he goes and Chu Xian also firtsly to avoid anymore mess ups and secondly because we are still a team despite of Zhirong's and Sean's absence, so if we won it together, why not we go together, wei shen me yao luo cheng zhe zong di bu ne?????? I juz don't understand......

Finally, I juz have to say something about 335, i don't noe why I can't take jokes from them, but can from 208, WHY????? I'm still figuring out, and now getting bored talking bout my hatred for the class, i may just stop talking about it.

Kuan Huai another day on the islands, 11:09 pm

Saturday, April 16, 2005

335 is about to become my most hated number......

My patience with most of the people in 335 was like the volcanoes in Indonesia on Monday which was erupting ashes........ I still try to like stand them but they getting worse and worse, wo zuo ren de yi ge dao li shi, jiao peng yu de tiao jian shou xian shi yao zhi dao shen me shi hou zuo gong ke shen me shi hou wan (in han yu pinyin)..... Do you think the GANG in our class done that of course no lah.... Even the worse in 208 also not like that, for example when a test comes they will always study before they come to school but now leh come to school also never study, must study only when the first period of the next day start........still got many more stupid examples........

Kuan Huai another day on the islands, 11:18 pm

Thursday, April 14, 2005

There is nothing much to say today....

There is only one thing I have to say about yesterday's PD, yep the survivor's favourite quote " I,ve being bitten alive.". Yep, and the place was like some abandoned area and staying there for the whole time feels boring, and it was so hot, Why didn't it rain when we were being bored to death?, Why must it rain when we were about to get back?

Omg! I still cannot stand most of the people in 335, I dare say I get more irritated as the days go by, although I don't mind talking to them, but it is just not me to talk to those type of people, so just do what is the most sensible thing to do when they talk or disturb or ask to borrow things just smile or give an ignorant face towards them and if needed say no. If you ask me to name all their bad points..... my fingers would me so tired after this that I can't continue doing my homework.

Kuan Huai another day on the islands, 6:24 pm

Saturday, April 09, 2005


WHAT THE HECK !!!!! I can't believe Ulong lost AGAIN! I was hoping that Bobby Jon and Stephanie could ate least win the last challenge as they are both one of the best survivors in the game. Yep, Stephanie could take over Tina as becoming my favourite Survivor. She roxxx..... hope she can make it vry vry vry vry far into the game and hopefully WIN.........

This weekend got CHAO JI lot of my hated homework to do ENGLISH!!!! got compre, article reflec, find vocab meanings and the stupid book review ws on my sharing (the question asked so indepth, i can't remember most of the content lieowzzzz of the last book i read Harry Potter and The Goblet of Fire???? I hate those english storybooks, never read them eva)

This wednesday got the cross country PD, don't know what it's like, does not sound good and sounds that there would be like "thousands" of casualties, i just muz wait to find out. Yah, and still must miss the last period, Ms Wong's period, so bad one but another thing is that luckily this week is Social Studies if not harh.........

Yah and finally, can't wait for my various trips in June, the most looked forward to one is maybe.... wait there is not one that I looked forward to, but it is all the trips that i looked forward to, don't know if this June Hols can be the same as the last December Hols, I had my best Hols back then, first the Malaysia trip, then mediacorp, then competition day and then the Shanghai trip..........

Kuan Huai another day on the islands, 10:47 pm

Saturday, April 02, 2005

Reality Tv Yeah AGAIN !!!!!

WHAT!!!! Ulong lost again! OMG! But on the other hand I was just glad that Ray and Deana was eliminated, they were like the "quieter" version of Jonathan and Victoria, where Deana was very nice and I liked her, but Ray, OMG he is just like Jonathan always talking bad about others, how he talked about Meredith and Gretchen....... Rob and Amber is still just cruising on, bet it will be huge news if they were eliminated.......

Kuan Huai another day on the islands, 9:54 pm

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